Friday, 16 October 2015

Palestine State Is An Illegal Occupation By Arab Countries On Jewish & Israel Land

The truth is, Palestine is an illegal occupation by Arab countries on Jewish & Israel land.
And the sad truth is, Jewish people is the most hated people in this whole world,
so Palestine issue is a great accused used by this anti-semitic around the world to harras the Jewish people and to force the Jewish people to hand over this tiny and the only Democratic country in the Middle East and to hand them over to this Barbaric Arab countries around her.

But thankfully there are also many Jewish & Israel supporters from around the world who love the Jewish people and know the real truth that Palestine was never belong to Arab people. Even archeaology had been uncovered many bones and building from ancient Jewish kingdoms all over Israel and Palestine. This archeaology just proved that the whole Israel and Palestine was always belong to Jewish people since thousands years till now.

The truth is, there has never been an Arab Palestine nation exist in the history,
this is all a lie by the Arabs and those anti-semitic who want this land from the Jewish people. The truth is, this Arabs Palestinians are just a former refugee from Israel neighboring countries who come because they attracted by all the wealth that was created by the Jewish people who had developed this land into a beautiful paradise.

That why a Japanese professor of political science at the University of Tokyo,
passed a questionnaire to a group of Palestinian attorneys and say this:
"Is the world just plain stupid???
If Palestine is a country, I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions on it:
1. When was it founded and by whom?
2. What were its borders?
3. What was its capital?
4. What were its major cities?
5. What was its underlying economy made of?
6. What form did its government have?
7. Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?
8. Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at one time or another, leaves no room for interpretation?
9. What was the language of the State of Palestine?
10. What was the most common religion in the State of Palestine?
11. What was the name of its currency? Choose any date - what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian currency against the U.S. dollar, German mark, British pound, Japanese yen or Chinese yuan?
12. Since there is no such country today, what caused its destruction and when did it happen?

So The Simple Conclusion is, There Was Never Been an Arab Palestine Country or Palestine Nation. It all made up LIES by those blood thirsty anti-semitic people who hated the Jewish people !!!
Remember this Arab Palestine is just just a bunch of Arabs or Refugee from neighboring Arab countries who hated the Jews.

REMEMBER, the Jews is the REAL indigenous people and the REAL natives people of Israel & Palestine, and you can found historical and archeology evident dates back to thousands of years belong to the Jewish people and Jewish Kingdoms in all over Israel & Palestine. While the Arabs & Europeans are the true invaders in the land of Israel and in Palestine since the Roman empire time, Crusade time, Ottoman empire, Babylon empire and during Persian empire where the Jewish people were attacked and then chasing away from their homeland in Israel & Palestine !!!

Because sadly due to strong anti-sematic in the Middles East & Europe, Israel is the only safe place for the Jewish people. So the Jewish people can prevent the next new Holocaust from happening all over again !!!

There Will Be No Peace By Arabs Palestine Invader

There will be no peace in Israel & Palestine because the Arab Palestine invader refused to accept the 2 States solution and refuse to accept Israel right to exist !!!
So many time Israel had offer peace for Palestine and even giving the GAZA land to Palestine for peace, but the Arabs Palestine invader repay Israel by lunching rockets and bom into Israel and killing the Jews. THIS JUST PROVED THE ARABS PALESTINE INVADER DON' WANT TO HAVE PEACE WITH ISRAEL, BECAUSE THEIR REAL MOTIVE IS TO KILL ALL THE JEWISH PEOPLE AND TO WIPE OUT THE JEWISH PEOPLE FROM THEIR HOMELAND !!!

More Lies Are Made Against Israel Everyday:

The most common lies towards Israel is that, Israel is an Aparheid State, which is not true.
This is totally a great lies by those anti-semitic, because Israel is the only TRUE DEMOCRATIC country in the Middle East, where minority groups including Christians are safe from persecutions.
But the Muslims Countries is the true Aperheid State because in Muslims Countries the Non-Muslims including Christians and minority groups are not treated equally, because it is very hard for minority or for Non-Muslims to get a job, or a job raise, or to get a scholarship, or not allowed to build their prayers house in all these Muslims Countries. Because Non-Muslims are treated like a second class citizen in this Muslims Countries, and they even suffer daily persecutions from the Muslims !!!
So Muslims Countries is the True Aparheid State, NOT Israel !!!

Christians Must United To Support Israel The Only True Democratic Country in Middle East:

1.Christians must stand up and united against anyone, organisations or Nations who boycott Israel. So in return Christians must also boycott anyone, organisations, States or Nations who boycott Israel.
2.Christians must stand up and united to fight all the lies people made against Israel.
3.Christians must stand up and united to fight against Arabs Countries who want Israel land.
4.Christian must stand up and united against the TRUE APARTHEID Nations like The Islamic Nations & Palestine who oppressed their minority Christians, Jews & others minority daily & treated them like a second class citizen (No Religious Freedom, no jobs opportunity and job promotion, political oppression, being anti-Christians and anti-Jews & many more rights are taken away from minority Non-Muslims) & (REMEMBER in Muslim Countries all minority like Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, including Women are all treated as a SECOND CLASS Citizen).
5.Christians must stop all the donations given to Palestine terrorist State, because the money are used to supports terrorism. Where the Palestine government giving money rewards to all Palestine family who died after killing the Jewish people by committing suicide bomb, this terrorist suicide bomb family will be rewarded money after they died killing the Jews !!!
6.Christians must stand up and united against Arabs countries illegal occupation on Palestine land, and give it back to Israel.

Remember as a Christians, we have a great responsibility to support, to protect, and to love the Jewish people. Because the Jewish people are also our spiritual older brothers and older sisters. Because Jesus and His diciples were also Jewish who all died when they tried to spread God love to all the Gentiles all around the world.

The Bible Say,
God will Blessed those who Blessed Israel....and God will cursed those who cursed Israel !!!
So let us all united to Blessed the State of Israel, because to be cursed by the Creator of this Universe is an awful things !!!

God we prays for the Peace of Israel, Let there be Peace in the Land of Jesus name, Amen

A Short Video About The Real Truth About Palestine


A Short Video About The Real Truth About Palestine

-Europe is now becoming the "Second Palestine" where the Muslims Invaders and Muslims Immigrants/Refugees had made many "No Go Zone" areas in Europe, where Non-Muslims is prohibit from going to Muslims areas in Europe.
-REMEMBER, this is what already had happen to Lebanon where this country was once a Christians Country where majority people are Christians, but due to their good intentions to welcome the Muslims Immigrants/Refugees into their country, as a result a civil war was broken in Lebanon where Christians were being killed and Christians were forced to converted into Islam or get killed if refused and many were drive away from their homeland. As a result Lebanon is now a Muslims country after being run over by Muslims invader and Muslims Immigrants/Refugees !!!!
-Very soon the Muslims invader and Muslims immigrants/Refugees will soon take over Europe when their numbers is large enough and they will start forcing the Europeans people out from their homeland, just like they did in Lebanon and in Palestine/Israel !!!!

PLEASE share this with all your friends & family too.